What's New
What's New at P2P Tutoring:
March 18, 2022
As a part of our new initiative STEAMreach, the founders of Peer2Peer Tutoring are collaborating with the Pascua Yaqui Tribe. This collaboration will bring STEAM education to Pascua Yaqui students. If you are interested in being a part of this project, check out the STEAMreach tab!!
January 23, 2022
The founders of Peer2Peer tutoring are working on a new branch of educational service. Introducing…STEAMreach. STEAMreach is a program with the goal of educating and exciting youth to become involved in STEAM fields. A very cool part of STEAMreach is the STEAM Video Library. This library will contain interviews with various STEAM professionals. We hope you all look forward to the launching of this new project!
August 7, 2021
This year, the founders of P2P Tutoring begin their college careers! The managing of the original branch of P2P Tutoring at University High School has been passed to two amazing students. Nayeli Jimenez and Rory Bricca were previously tutors for P2P. Now, they manage the UHS Branch of our non-profit!
October 16, 2020
Los Angeles Times (L.A. Times) writer Ada Tseng, an assistant editor on the utility journalism team, composed an article of different free tutoring resources around the country! Thank you to Ada Tseng for including information about our nonprofit service and mission in this amazing article.
October 4, 2020
Today, we would like to celebrate Brian Belakovsky. Brian was one of the first tutors who signed up for P2P Tutoring, and had been a consistent volunteer we have relied on to tutor students. We have gotten so much positive feedback from the ones he has tutored. The P2P admin and all those he has helped would like to sincerely thank him for all of the work he has done for his community, especially during this pandemic.
September 16, 2020
We are spreading fast! After several months of helping students across California, we have established an official branch there. Thank you Aneesh Kudrimoti for all your dedication. We are looking forward to seeing the official branch grow!
September 11, 2020
Macaroni Kid, an LLC founded in 2008 that writes articles to help parents and kids across the nation, just wrote an article about different free tutoring services in Tucson. We want to thank Kindle Rising for including us in such an informative and helpful article!
September 10, 2020
P2P Tutoring has been used in TEN different states throughout the country! Tutors from cities across Virginia, California, New Jersey, North Carolina, Washington, Florida, Michigan, Colorado, Maryland, and Arizona have all signed up for P2P Tutoring to help make a difference in their communities . We are so excited to see P2P Tutoring grow, and we hope it will continue to expand to help more students all across America!
May 4, 2020
It's official: Our newest chapter of P2P Tutoring is now in…drumroll please...Virginia! Yep, P2P Tutoring has spread 2,133 miles away from where it was first started. Thank you so much to school ambassador Rachel Huh for taking the initiative to set up a chapter there. Rachel did an outstanding job of presenting the benefits of P2P Tutoring to school administrators and gaining their support in starting up the chapter. Looking forward to seeing lots of students getting needed help!
May 1, 2020
Today was a monumental step towards our goal of spreading P2P Tutoring nationwide. It looks like P2P Tutoring will be spreading to the East Coast!
April 21, 2020
KOLD 13 interviewed us about P2P Tutoring! We described how P2P Tutoring works as well as told them about how amazing all you volunteers are. Here’s the link to Jasmine Ramirez’s story on P2P Tutoring:
April 17, 2020
Wow our nonprofit was on the news today! It was so cool to see a news channel cover us, can you believe at this time two years ago P2P Tutoring was barely even a concept!! It’s just amazing to see how far we have come, and none of this could have been done without all of our amazing volunteers and contributors. Here’s the link to KGUN9’s Veronica Acosta’s story on us:
April 16, 2020
We were Interviewed by KGUN9 about P2P Tutoring and how it has been modified to now help our community during this pandemic. Our service can be done completely online making it safe for users during this time. We hope everyone is staying safe. Tune in to KGUN9 tomorrow at 5:30-6:00 am or 5:30-6:00pm!!!
April 3, 2020
P2P Tutoring has started reaching out to different high schools letting them know about our nonprofit and how it is a great resource for their students during COVID-19. We believe P2P Tutoring will be able to help students during this time.
March 17, 2020
We updated our website for COVID-19 to help our community. We are now opening P2P Tutoring to anyone who needs help. This way we can help students adjust to what seems like will be online learning for the foreseeable future. Stay safe everyone and make sure to social distance.
August 1, 2019
It’s around that time again for most students...it’s back to school season! For our volunteers, let us know if you would be interested in hanging flyers for P2P Tutoring around your school campus. Our email is under the Contact Us tab on the website!
July 23, 2019
We have just added the long awaited student ambassador position! As a student ambassador, your job is to bring P2P Tutoring to your own school and get it up and running there. Our goal is to have P2P Tutoring in as many schools as possible nationwide, helping hundreds of students along the way. If you are interested, go to the volunteer tab, and there will be more information on what being a student ambassador entails.
July 9, 2019
We gave a presentation today to Principal Doty and Assistant Principal Morse at Sabino High School. We discussed the concept of student ambassadors with them as well… more updates on that soon;)
March 14, 2019
P2P Tutoring has added a new type of volunteer, a Student Liaison. As a Student Liaison, you will be collecting the class notes, homework and handouts of the student in need. You will also upload them onto the shared work-space of that specific student. For more information, check the volunteers tab!
February 6, 2019
P2P Tutoring met with the department heads ( Math, Science, English etc.) at University High School. We got lots of great feedback, including how to get P2P Tutoring up and running at not only University High School, but other schools as well
January 20, 2019
We’ve officially launched! After almost a year of work, this non-profit is ready for use. We’ve already had a lot of people signing up to be volunteers, so thank you! Our goal from the very beginning has been to help sick students as we can. From the responses we’ve seen so far, it seems like you will help us make this goal come true:)
December 13, 2018
We had a final meeting with Principal Cislak, Vice Principal Evans, Vice Principal Bacalia, Mr. Lerch, and Ms. Hernandez at University High School. There were a lot of good ideas bouncing around today, and some new things we’re going to implement. It looks like we are almost ready to launch this nonprofit!
September 20, 2018
We met up with Principal Miller at Emily Gray Middle School and had a discussion about our idea of P2P Tutoring. As a principal, he was able to tell us more about the services offered to sick students. It seems like there is the perfect “sweet spot” for Peer2PeerTutoring to fill before ADA's 504 starts.