Students In Need
Our Tutoring Program:
Our Tutoring Program:
Hello, welcome to P2P tutoring! Our program is geared to high school students, and uses their peers to help them catch up. Lets talk a little bit more about the benefits of being tutored through our program:
Benefits of using Peer 2 Peer Tutoring:
Benefits of using Peer 2 Peer Tutoring:
Most importantly, you will be less behind when you return to school!
We will work with your Teachers to ensure you get the materials you need.
Unlike other tutoring companies, we provide you with tutors who are in your class/school, so you learn the exact material you miss, not the general topic.
You will meet great people and build friendships
You will develop communication and technological skills.
Student Application:
Student Application:
Here is the student application. You will receive an email from us within the next few days