Peer 2 Peer Tutoring
Our Mission:
“ Create a non-profit peer to peer tutoring ecosystem. Our ecosystem brings together students, tutors, teachers and/or hospitals, along with the right tools, to help struggling students."
How it works:
Either directly from the student, parent/guardian, or hospital, we get nominations for students that need help while temporarily out of school.
Working with the teacher and tutor volunteers, P2P Tutoring works to match the student up with an appropriate tutor.
There are three types of tutors we can provide. First we look for Tutors that are students in your class, so they know the material and the Teacher. Secondly, we look for Tutors at your school who have gone through the same classes. Another option we provide for you is an academically advanced Tutor that has the right skills to help.
P2P Tutoring sets up a common 24/7 accessible cloud storage to place class and tutoring documents. This space is accessible by the teacher, tutor and student.
Tutoring session times are coordinated by P2P Tutoring and meeting notices are sent out.
In the case of remote tutoring (due to either health or convenience issues), P2P Tutoring provides tools such as video chat, screen sharing and whiteboards for the tutor and student to use.
P2P Tutoring checks in with the student and tutor after each tutoring session to ensure it went well.